4. Substack does have brief content guidelines, ... the idea that the loss of Warzel and the further intrusion of legacy media into the newsletter game is a … Twitter. Your email is the most valuable account since it is linked to all of your other online accounts. A step-by-step guide for getting a religious exemption to your employer or school's COVID vaccine mandate. Do masks work? - Steve Kirsch's newsletter The single most important choice you can make in your financial life is to escape the rat race. You must plan, align, and calibrate more frequently. Substack charges 10% and Stripe charges 2.9% + 30 cents on each transaction. ️ Action item: Find a well-performing article that could use some structured data (recipes, reviews). Publish on Substack. I work internationally - not in the US. Despite “defining key metrics” for ambiguous business processes being a key responsibility in nearly every analytics role, we enthusiastically reject doing it for ourselves. The more views your videos get, the more ads YouTube can run … Angela Lauria. You can fill out the positions you work at, but in stark contrast to LinkedIn – the focus is on the highlights you post on your timeline vs the designations at the company. Copy link. This is easy because the Substack dashboard is one of the simplest I’ve ever used. Based on a Pegasus marketing brochure that was leaked online and appears to have been created in 2016, Pegasus can collect usernames and passwords — for unlocking the device itself or for gaining access to the target’s email account or other accounts like Skype, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook. It seems obvious. 1. Copy link. New Top Community What is Common Sense? Hot Singles Presents: Kissed Connections ... two hot singles a week all november. Substack provides legal advice to its writers through its program, Substack Defender. Lawyers provide a legal review of stories before they are published, and provide advice surrounding cease-and-desist letters related to writers' work. Every one of them sits on the bookshelf near his desk in the Governor’s Mansion. Topic: parenting. Get 15% off for 1 year Meantime, this week on the podcast, a chilling conversation with the man China doesn’t want you to hear. Virgil Abloh Was a Mensch You don't need to care about fashion to learn something from the way my brilliant friend lived. If you publish a free newsletter, SubStack is free. It does not cost you anything and the price is zero even if you scale to thousands of subscribers. If your newsletter is priced, the SubStack charges you 10% of newsletter’s price. For example, if you charge $5 per month, then SubStack will take $0.50 or 50 cents every month. Earlier this month, the newsletter startup Substack, which enables writers to launch their own paid newsletters, announced that it had reached 1 million paid subscribers . Today's video is answering the question of what is WordPress and how does wordpress work. Nicole Cliffe: ‘Nicole Knows’ Topic: Personal, pop culture. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them. Last month, we hosted our first Substack writer gathering in New York City. i just thought someone should come out and say this point blank. “Non-fungible” is a weird-sounding word. A Substack newsletter by Science Guided By Faith COVID-19 - Where We Are Today The USA is at a crossroads with respect to how it allows COVID-19 to control day-to-day life and the unconstitutional authority we allow to be exerted over our lives One of the great ironies of the analytics industry is its utter inability to measure itself. SubStack, the newsletter platform allows individual writers, editors, and curators to publish content and get paid for their work. How SkyPools works. Email. There are two types of Substack newsletters; Free and Paid Newsletter. How Substack CEO Chris Best Sees Newsletters as a Way to Defend Press Freedom. Here are the most frequently asked questions we have received from users about SubStack cost and pricing. … As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. Socially Responsible Coaching Alliance Newsletter. Substack provides legal advice to its writers through its program, Substack Defender. The majority of people working there were making $11-12/hour doing physically and emotionally demanding work while putting themselves in actual physical danger. Facebook and Twitter aren’t going anywhere, but at the margin it does feel like some consumers are starting to question social media and look for ways to regain their attention. Let me read it first. At the moment the big platforms and governments are ramping up the battle over our personal data - who can collect it , what they can do with it … How much higher it can go will depend on execution, strategy, and luck. We hope they do another round of local funding — there are a lot of communities and journalists who could use it. The interview process is designed to provide a signal on two things: Does the candidate meets the job requirement and have the required skills, It often takes a lot of courage to be able to tell them. ... Ian Miller is on Substack. (but it does pay well) the conjuring of endless hobgoblins to terrify and manipulate a populace is a political game as old as time. ‘Back to square one almost’: Iran talks end with no clear progress European diplomats say new Iranian proposals ‘walk back almost all of the difficult compromises crafted’ to date, ‘unclear how these new gaps can be closed in a realistic timeframe.’ What is Substack? I do not think your surveillance report goes far enough in explaining this crucial point. In this blog, we’ll cover the REAL pain points in energy, climate, and heavy industry and discuss how digital solutions l…. An NFT or a non-fungible token is a way of representing ownership in the digital world. Substack is an email newsletter platform designed for small publishers hoping to turn their subscribers into paying customers. Substack Review | Blogging Guide Substack makes it simple for a writer to start an email newsletter that makes money from subscriptions. This is how Substack works. they are trying to pretend this is not happening. I find it telling that nobody who is a prominent proponent of vaccination is willing to sit down and have a recorded discussion with my team of experts . bariweiss.substack.com. Even falling asleep in the office after being wrecked the previous night was sort of fine, as long as you vaguely got your job done. A User Manual for Serendipity I don’t remember the details of the day it happened, but I do remember the moment. Pano Kontogiannis. Enes Kanter doesn’t have the same sponsorship deals that Lebron James does, but the Celtics player—and new American citizen—has been absolutely relentless in his criticism of the CCP. Teams that do this 1) limit planning inventory, 2) resist premature convergence, 3) research at the right time, 4) reduce sunk-cost bias, and 5) stay more strategically aligned. How Does Substack Work? The audience wants individuals, not groups or publications. — that’s personal — it’s a treat — that’s the feeling you get with Substack,” says one insider. If you aren’t already convinced, then check out that article. (TL DR: the way to unsti…. Part 1, Part 2) Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred. Like Substack, YouTube shares revenue with creators, but it does so in a completely different way. Do not fight the market. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.9% in October, making the year-on-year CPI inflation 6.2%.Core inflation, meaning CPI excluding food and energy, rose by 0.6% month-on-month and 4.6% year-on-year. Variance: is this fluctuation normal? Today that number is over 100,000. We love being able to say, “What’s really going on is…” Before becoming a journalist, Jane was a psychology researcher; she holds a Ph.D. in psychology from UC Berkeley. Copy link. you might remember today’s hot … This video shows how a mask nearly killed a 4 year old boy. Substack is an email service provider that empowers writers by giving us control over content distribution. Facebook. And, sadly, if they’re making tons of mistakes, make it clear that that’s unacceptable. A "do as I say, not as I do" post on writer's block, editor's paralysis, and what makes smart people get stuck with deep work. We bias to action. Ghost’s cofounder agrees. And I find it more work to maintain both the blog and the substack series. Price: $5 per month or $50 per year. stephanieduncansmith.substack.com. because it’s not only true, but it’s known, knowable, and widely proven by a century of evidence that has in no way been contradicted by the events of 2020-1. amusingly, people are sharing videos of the protesters in the square watching videos of the empty square. That graphic refers to this article on the 47 ineffective and 32 negative effects masking studies. Sometimes we are so emotionally activated by the act of telling our story that we forget why we are telling that or neglect to figure out why we are telling our story at all. Arizonans only got $23 million. The flu is gone. I have worked in harm reduction for nearly 20 years. Email. I do think human beings need purpose and structure and discipline and obligation for lives that feel meaningful, full, and purposeful; I am not sure that a life where there was no need to be productive, to be disciplined, or to sometimes do … Now onto the most important part: writing your newsletter! O’Nolan sees Substack as much closer in spirit to the publishing platform Medium. Last July, Substack had over 50,000 paying subscribers. it’s gaslighting and propaganda. Types of Newsletters. Masks are actually detrimental, especially for kids, because they trap bacteria and you then breath in that bacteria resulting in an increase in respiratory infections. Developers. We had to sit through a two hour mandatory all-staff meeting admonishing us to do a better job of self care. It’s your first week, and you are nervous. Do not compete. If you’re not familiar with how such AI apps work, this old article from 2015 does a pretty good job of explaining this. they do it because it works. The exhibit BITS (open until December 10, 2021) opened on Thursday night at a83, also our printer, with work from the gallery’s archive by Takefumi Aida, Stephanie Brody-Lederman, Buckminster Fuller, Michael Graves, Edward Schmidt, Charles Luce, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, RUR/Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto, Bob Stanley, Sam Tippett, and Roger Welch. Substack handles everything for your newsletter: an editor and writing platform, media content hosting, distribution (aka email delivery, the really hard part), URL, and integrates with Stripe to offer payments. You’re now armed with knowledge! Hopefully this guide was useful to give you a general overview of Substack compared to Ghost. What Substack Is and How You Can Use It for Subscriptions or Email Marketing. The goal of the interview is to get a signal of the candidate's ability to do the work. Congress Should Work ... bill is that it is almost as if people have forgotten that in some ways this is the way things are supposed to work. I, of course, think Substack is great for numerous reasons. Feel free to read all of them if you like the scientific literature. Our Manifesto - Start Here What is socially responsible coaching and why do we need it? Fuel oil prices rose a staggering 12.3% in the month, with … Stripe is available in select countries if you are not located in one of those countries then you cannot receive payments. As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. Of course, we still have to pass judgement on what’s good … I suspect that while the process has become more sophisticated over the years, the basic principle of recursively feeding images back into neural nets until the AI “gets it” hasn’t changed. The “newspaper” was a bit like what we modern humans know as a Substack, only printed out. This doesn’t mean the problem isn’t real, mind, it just means that the solution (if solution there be) is different. Now that Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” COVID vaccine has received full approval, you should prepare yourself for a barrage of vaccine mandates. The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The video is almost a year old and it seems we haven’t learned anything in that time. Email. Publish on Substack. Save time and let the Ghost team do all the work on your behalf; no coding, no configuration, no worries. The time will come when you will need to put a period at the end of your work. Creators can choose to give audio content access to everybody, or only to their subscribers. travel bans don’t work to contain a respiratory virus. 100% Unfinished by Bryan Collins. So the data reflect a behavioural phenomenon, not just a feature of how well vaccines work. apparently, the official webcams of trieste are showing an empty square. The metaphor might work in an economic sense, but it fails to describe what data is as a material. opts.entries has the same definition as files. And I find it more work to maintain both the blog and the substack series. We also invited a few writers to speak about their experiences on Substack: Delia Cai, Emily Atkin, Terrell Johnson, and Walt Hickey. Substack Local also provides tons of support, like a part-time editor, access to legal help, business mentorship, design services and other bells and whistles that make our lives easier and our product better. How does a company with just 50 employees based on decades-old email newsletter technology become that hot? It makes sure that no customer queries remain unheard and every case gets resolves as quickly as possible by assigning the query to the best agent available. Prices for used cars and trucks, which have grown almost 40% since 2020, jumped up 2.5% in October. Artificial intelligence is the machine-minded computerization ability to perform human tasks. Tools For Humanity. Total Work Newsletter: How Work Took Over the World is on Substack – the place for independent writing Serial publication of the Total Work Manifesto: A Critique of the Idolatry of Work plus free monthly newsletter on Total Work. We also recall Glenn Simpson’s testimony of how it was an “extraordinary coincidence” that the Fusion GPS work on Trump/Russia (directed by the Clinton Campaign and Perkins Coie) coincided with accusations the Russians hacked the DNC. but do not make it your job. Free, with paid subscriptions from $5 per month. Lawyers provide a legal review of stories before they are published, and provide advice surrounding cease-and-desist letters related to writers' work. Basically, instead of just doing “shallow work” - emails, talking upon talking, etc. Exploring options for more fulfillment at work, at home, and everywhere in between. You can also get support for embedding for photo, video and audio in your newsletter. This last year as I’ve worked at Accel, the link between venture capital and content has become hard to miss. Facebook. ... but has concluded that her dislike of someone’s work is … This is not an illusion. Substackis You’ll create an account and a welcome/first post. Time frame: over what time frame did this metric change? About. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them. Do not use SMS 2FA but use Authy or Google authenticator. – deep work is something that requires you to actually think & create. Our work has been, and frustratingly remains, unmeasurable. You should pass opts.basedir when using streaming files so that relative requires can be resolved. The perfect predictions of weather or climate and business challenges like stocks up and downs are some common examples. My sense is that this would fit in more with the substack culture than small daily blog posts. Substack makes it simple for a writer to start an email newsletter that makes money from subscriptions. Emphasis mine again. plus what is called “the surrender value” of life insurance and similar plans minus the amount of your debts. and whoo doggie does the italian government not want this one on pay per view. And Substack is supposedly worth $650m USD, about half the market cap of Air New Zealand. Every dollar earned by a writer on the platform contributes to their revenue. But it is worth understanding. If you like to paint, please paint! It dispels all the popular myths. The advent of social media means that we now have to do real work when we engage with the internet in a way that’s totally alien to us. It’s important to thank them too. Sure, we still engage in scapegoating and figuratively sacrifice people on the altar of public opinion, … Use 2FA on all of your accounts, especially your email. I'm stuck. It’s all about who you work for. Sex Object … Finally, we observe this retention scheme is similar to how Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS. Substack has been criticized for not disclosing which writers were part of Substack Pro. If there are many jobless painters in the market, do not make painting your job. Leah McSweeney. YouTube is owned by Google and runs an ad-based model. Arizona canceled federal unemployment benefits in favor of bonuses meant to entice people to go back to work. In “Substack isn’t a new model for journalism,” was definitely an interesting read for me. Substack comments drop by 25%. We also invited a few writers to speak about their experiences on Substack: Delia Cai, Emily Atkin, Terrell Johnson, and Walt Hickey. Substack does have brief content guidelines, ... the idea that the loss of Warzel and the further intrusion of legacy media into the newsletter game is a … I use Evernote and an Excel spreadsheet to track my work, and that's worked pretty well for me! What is SEO and how it works? Even the President-elect is a fan, or so it seems. Copy link. During press interviews about an album I’ve released, rarely do I get more than a few minutes to explain the motivation behind an entire project. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public. Substack does have an interest in helping these smaller-scale writers level up to taking payment from subscribers, though. Apr 1. My sense is that this would fit in more with the substack culture than small daily blog posts. We work fast, make bold bets, and then course-correct as needed. Let me start with the definitions that economists who work on inequality use. They’re doing real work and probably don’t get thanked as often. Substack Defender. Substack burst onto the digital creation scene in 2017. And Substack is supposedly worth $650m USD, about half the market cap of Air New Zealand. Substack for podcasts works in the same way as written publications. The southern districts of Bavaria are quickly becoming the regions of highest infection in Germany, and Markus Söder, our governor, is demanding a renewed “vaccine push,” including a campaign for booster doses “independently of age,” even obliquely threatening lockdown if we can’t ensure the “safety and stability” of hospitals.
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